Thursday, October 25, 2007

sorry for the lapse

hey all,

sorry to be a bit MIA. I have maleria, which has been treated and so I am feeling a lot better, but haven't been at a computer.

definately on the mend so not to worry. i'll post more about it all later, but just know that africa is the best place to have it as they know how to treat it, and Nairobi hospital where i was admitted for 2 days is the BEST tropical disease hospt. in the WORLD. they are taking good care of me, although i am glad to be out! Mama Rose is also giving me the BEST care along with Kennedy. My doctor is really good too, and ach day I feel better. As we say here, pole pole ndio muendo, good things heal slowly. But I am healing! Okay now I---have to go get some test results...just didn;t want yall to think I had disappeared.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm happy that they are taking care of you out there. Hope you get better, you are in my thoughts. I always think it's to late to send you a play, but are you still in need?